Our History
The Brooklyn Seventh-day Adventist Church has a rich and extensive history, dating back to the beginning of Adventism. Today, it stands as one of the oldest Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the Greater New York Conference of Churches, with its birth coming forth directly from the preachings and teachings of early Adventist pioneers,
James and Ellen White.
Throughout the years, the Brooklyn Church has fostered the growth of other churches in Brooklyn.
Churches that were formed through association with the Brooklyn Seventh-day Adventist Church are: Maranatha, New Haven, French Jerusalem, and New Jerusalem.
As we reflect upon the growth of our church, we can truly say: Surely God has led us!
And as we look ahead, we are strengthened knowing this: who we are and what we are today, as a church and as a denomination, is built on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, supported by the strong “pillars” of the early pioneers of Adventism.